CLASS - 12 Mass Media : Sample Paper

Sample Paper 

Class - 12


Part - A

1) Ques - What are the two distinct stages of message transmission in the two step flow theory?

2) Ques - What are Folktales ?

3) Ques - According to Majid Tehranian, What are the three mega trends that chracterize the 21st century ?

4) Ques - State any two differences between the works of Lumiere Brothers and  Georges Melies.

5) Ques - What is understood by genres in films ?

6) Ques - What is Mise en scene ?

7) Ques - What is Multimedia?

8) Ques - What is Comparative Advertising ?

Part - B

9) Ques - Briefly explain the two broad categories of a newspaper format giving suitable examples.

10) Ques - Are online versions of Newspaper a Profitable enterprise in India? Why do you think so ?

11) Ques - What are the uses of Multimedia ?

12) Ques - Write a Brief note on Vividh Bharti Services.

13) Ques - What were the technological factors that facilitated the growth and development of press.

Part - C

14) Ques - What do you understand by the terms :

  1.  Yellow Journalism
  2. Chequebook Journalism
  3. Sting Journalism 
  4. Page 3 Journalism ?
15) Ques - Explain the difference between analogue and digital signals.

16) Ques - Imagine you are a newspaper journalist. You have to interview the Police Commisioner of your state about "Safety of Women". Frame Five chronological questions to ask him / her.

17) Ques - According to Jerome Bruner,  What are the important characteristics of a narrative?

18) Ques - Describe some of the recent forms of advertising.

19) Ques - What is quota Sampling ? Do you agree that the quota sampling is more reflective of the entire group? Cite reasons in favour of your view.

Part - D 

20) Ques - Critically analyse the audience theories of mass media. 

21) Ques - Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of advertising in different forms of media.

22) Ques - Discuss any five points involved in the process of adaptation of cinema.

Part - E

23) Ques -  Why  cinema is called the Mother of all Arts ? Elucidate with examples.

24) Ques - "The Portrayal of women in the Indian media oscillates in heaps of different shades". Explain.

25) Ques - Describe the various computer hardware  that are required to create multimedia projects.

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